
  • Do you worry that your teen is depressed?
  • Does your teen snap at you when you initiate a conversation with them?
  • Does your teen get angry when you ask them to pitch-in?

You are at your wits’ end — because you have tried EVERYTHING you can think of to help your teen and it’s still not working.

Yeah. We hear you. You want it to be better and we KNOW it can be better.

What it takes will be different for every family. We’re here to help you figure out what that is and help you connect again.

We work with teenagers (age 14 and up) and their parents to help navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepare teens to become resilient, responsible, and ready to launch into a happy, successful adulthood.

We work with teenagers (alone or with their parents) to:

  • open up the lines of communication
  • identify the teen’s goals and help them find the motivation and pathway to achieve them
  • key into the their gifts and what makes them exceptional
  • figure out how to follow their gut and know who they are and want to become (and not be swayed by others)
  • handle emotions with maturity and perspective
    get them ready to launch

This IS possible for your teen, even if you’re not sure how to get there. If your son or daughter is struggling and you want them to achieve something better, call or text Evan at (406) 599-5355 to chat about what is going on and to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors. Or, send a message through the form below. We look forward to supporting your family.

Please enter your DOB (or the DOB of your child or family member, if you are reaching out on their behalf)