Individual Adults

Life is a journey. There are twists and turns and ups and downs. Ultimately, we are on this journey alone, but we don’t have to do it without support. When sadness, loss, anxiety, stress, worry, transitions, and big questions present themselves, it can be tremendously helpful to not only set aside time, but also join with an experienced guide to help sort out, shift, and re-construct. Whether that is addressing old wounds that still have big emotional charge, or examining and shifting relationship patterns, or perhaps exploring a career shift to better align with what you really have to offer yourself and your community, a counselor can not only reflect back to you what they are seeing, but can ask the questions and note the spaces between that move the process forward more quickly. When you process just within your own mind, it can feel like being caught in a circle, but with he help of a counselor who can identify and challenge the patterns that you’re stuck in, you can shift into a new trajectory.

Join us to shift. Reach out to connect with one of our counselors to walk alongside you and help you transform this moment into your life into one of great change and progress. We look forward to supporting you in this time.

If you are…

  • looking back on your life and ready to not repeat the same patterns you’ve seen for so long recovering from a breakup and wondering how to not only heal but also how to shift the way you approach relationship so as to not end up in the same place again
  • recovering from a breakup and wondering how to not only heal but also how to shift the way you approach relationship so as to not end up in the same place again
  • concerned about your patterns of depression or anxiety and ready to learn skills and build insight to not become consumed by those feelings anymore feeling lost and wondering what is next for you in career, relationship, or other aspect of life…
  • feeling lost and wondering what is next for you in career, relationship, or other aspect of life…

Our counselors can help you with this process. Call or text Evan at (406) 599-5355 to chat about what is going on and to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors, or send a message through the form below. We look forward to supporting you in your process.

Please enter your DOB (or the DOB of your child or family member, if you are reaching out on their behalf)