Our Approach

We’re here to provide a grounded and productive experience for each and every one of our clients.

Relationship Focused — Whether we are working with you on your own, as a part of a couple, or as a family, our counselors attend to the relationships not only in your life but also between ourselves and you. We consult together as a group each week to discuss issues that arise in session. This not only allows us to hone our approach, but it also allows a counselor who is working with one member of a family the chance to coordinate with a counselor who is working with another family member.

Active participation — We do things a bit differently than what you may have heard about counseling, or may have experienced in the past. We’re not here to sit back and watch you battle your issues. People come to us when they haven’t been able to figure it out on their own or get the perspective they’ve been seeking.  They come to us for an outside perspective and because of this, we believe in taking a highly interactive role rather than a passive one.

Humility & respect — Our counselors are highly trained, but we aren’t the experts on what it’s like to be you. We draw on more than our academic training and our thousands of hours of experience as counselors. We’ve been through hard times too. Our life stories won’t take the floor, but they inform the work — they make us human, which to us means being humble and compassionate. And we know there is no single path through to the other side; we’ll walk with you as you find yours.

Meet our team or get in touch to get started.

Reach out to us:

Call or text (406) 599-5355 or use the form below to start the conversation.

Please enter your DOB (or the DOB of your child or family member, if you are reaching out on their behalf)